Aprils Fools Days past

This morning my son wanted to sneak down into his father's truck and change the radio station, so that when he got in and turned the truck on "he would hear rock and roll instead of NPR!" Too funny, yes?

Got me thinking of April Fool's Days past. Two April Fools Day pranks stick out in my memory, both of which involved my mother. One April 1, when I was probably 8 or so, we had our regularly scheduled Girl Scout troop meeting. When we got our snacks that day, we were all very excited - real chocolates, not just store bought cookies! Turns out the "chocolates" were styrofoam packing peanuts dipped in chocolate.....

The other prank that sticks out in my memory also involves my parents. One chilly Alaskan morning, we children were awakened as usual and prepared for going to school. We finally left the house and headed for the bus stop where we waited, and waited, and waited. Finally we headed home to find that all of the house clocks had been set 2 hours early, and we were actually at the bus stop at 6:00 in the morning. Very, very funny joke, yes?

Generally, I'm not really into the April Fool's thing. Once my office mates turned all of a coworker's desk drawers upside down, and another time they filled her entire desk with shredded paper. I did once convince a class of 11th graders (who were coming to class tardy with bags of fast food) that McDonald's was the largest commercial buyer of worms in the United States. Those burgers don't LOOK like beef, do they???

So it will be interesting to see if I make it through the day without getting pranked.... or maybe thinking up one of my own.


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