under the bed
Why is it that children push all of their stuff under the bed, time and time again, and then act surprised when parents say "I'm going to look under the bed?" I know I did it as a child, my older ones did it, and my 6 year old is no exception. I don't blame him for trying to get a chore done quickly; it's the look of surprise that gets me. "What? You're going to look UNDER the bed? Why on earth would you do that? Do you think your sweet son would try to get out of cleaning?" So he goes back to his room, comes right back out and comes over and hugs me. "I love you Mama. You're the best mom in the whole world." And he flashes that "aren't I cute?" smile so his dimples show and he bats his eyes. Very cute indeed, but it's not going to work. "I'm still going to look under the bed." "Drats!" he exclaims, again managing to look surprised at my perseverance. My grandmother used to say "D...