Worst Mom Ever

I'm officially the worst mom ever.  Last night I put the boy to bed and tried to teach myself to play Xbox. I even looked up the walkthroughs.  They told me what to do but not how to do it.  Like what buttons to push and what does what.  After dying repeatedly on the second phase, I gave up.

Tonight I decided to try again, but this time I did a bad thing.  After assuring my son that it wasn't too gory, and to do as I say not as I do, and that no he cannot play rated M games, I made him get out of bed (he wasn't asleep yet) and teach me how to punch a zombie.  Then he told me how to use the D buttons and how to read the codes provided by the directional arrows. As a result I made it through two more achievements, and actually quit the game at the end of an episode - and while still alive.

I'm the parent, so it's okay for me to do things I would never let my kids do??  And it's okay for me to make my son look at a Walking Dead graphic video game although he's terrified of zombies?  After all, once I became I killing machine I gave him my headphones so he could drown out the screams....

My poor son. It's a wonder the older two turned out as well as they did. (Although they grew up pre-Xbox....)


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