So underrated

I don't know what it is, but today's family are seriously missing out.  I can think of 3 staples from my childhood that people today totally don't appreciate - and they should.

1) Tang.  A day's supply of vitamin C and a year's supply of sugar in every glass.  It's what the astronauts drank.  Need I say more?

2)  Spam. It's meat! In a can! Fully cooked but yummy heated. Breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Even in sushi!  And now I hear it's available in teriyaki flavor.  Most people who knock it have never tried it.

3) Cream of mushroom soup. This magic in  a can turns any leftovers into a casserole.  It's the key ingredient to Tator Tot Casserole.  Green bean casserole at the holidays wouldn't be the same without it.

I understand that times change.  I don't let my kids ride their bikes without helmets, even though I jumped board with nails in them on a bike with a warped tire and survived.  I make them wear seatbelts, although I drove to Anchorage repeatedly stretched out in the back of a Subaru with the seat down.  But some of the greats from back in the day deserve a shout out.


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