Majority Rules Is Still Dictatorship

Today I'm pissed off at the ignorance of humanity. I have two issues burning in my gut: equal rights, and the meaning of democracy. Everyone is happy that Jan Brewer vetoed the Arizona law that would have made it okay for businesses to refuse to serve gay people based on their religious beliefs. The right claimed they were "protecting religious freedom." Bullshit. They were trying to legalize hate and discrimination. Huffington Post did a great article back in September titled "How to Determine if Your Religious Liberty is Being Threatened. There's an easy set of questions, found here that makes it very clear that simply because you don't like others getting to live their beliefs isn't a threat to your own religious freedom. All people have a right to equal protection under the law. End of discussion. The other aspect of this whole argument that makes me furious is that when the courts strike down these laws as unconstitu...