
Showing posts from February, 2014

Majority Rules Is Still Dictatorship

Today I'm pissed off at the ignorance of humanity.  I have two issues burning in my gut: equal rights, and the meaning of democracy.  Everyone is happy that Jan Brewer vetoed the Arizona law that would have made it okay for businesses to refuse to serve gay people based on their religious beliefs.  The right claimed they were "protecting religious freedom."  Bullshit.  They were trying to legalize hate and discrimination. Huffington Post did a great article back in September titled "How to Determine if Your Religious Liberty is Being Threatened.  There's an easy set of questions, found  here  that makes it very clear that simply because you don't like others getting to live their beliefs isn't a threat to your own religious freedom.  All people have a right to equal protection under the law.  End of discussion. The other aspect of this whole argument that makes me furious is that when the courts strike down these laws as unconstitu...


" Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words." ~Plautus                                                                                                          "Wine is bottled poetry." ~Robert Louis Stevenson I know that everyone has a vice or two.  Although my husband would claim I'm perfect, I think a vice of mine would be wine.  After a long day at work, after the boy is in bed, once we're settled down on the couch to reconnec t, I enjoy a glass of wine with my husband.  We probably go through this ritual at least 4 nights a week, which might be excessive, but I enjoy it. To be honest, I think sometimes it makes Bob nervous.  My father was an alcoholic, and research indicat...
I always have to smile at all the "words of wisdom" that show up on Facebook.  I have the friend who shares the power of faith in god, the liberal friend who shares political wisdom about bipartisanship, the friend who shares affirmations about those who don't appreciate you not being worth the trouble.  I think they all are worthy of consideration, and I actually appreciate when they make me reflect, even for a moment. I think I have a pretty good life, but not one that is without regrets.  Still, I think most of my regrets are on the smaller scale, nothing that would put me into a different time or place.  I feel pretty lucky to be able to say that. One of the questions I do ask myself is about friendship.  I am in contact with some of the same good friends that I've known my whole life.  Not that I am necessarily close with them, in terms of seeing them frequently, but I know where and how they are and that if I needed to, I could call. ...

Life is Good

We've been away from home for a week now.  In that time we've hit 2 states and a district, so that's pretty good.  Jed has really enjoyed DC.  Last night Bob asked him what he's liked best and he answered "the Metro."  He's quite the navigator, finding our way between our entrance in Woodley Park and where ever we're headed for the day. Day 1 was the Natural History and Air and Space Museums.  They were awesome and both the boys were in heaven.  I was surprised by how much Jed liked the gemstone section at the Natural History Museum.  His dad is really into rocks, so I sat back and let them browse, read and talk.  We closed down the Air and Space Museum.  Very cool. Day 2 we met Senator Murkowski's education aide.  Jed contemplates becoming a political strategist, either before or after law school, so he enjoyed asking some questions.  Bob and I shared some education thoughts and concerns.  We also saw Union Station and ...
We got to relive our honeymoon a bit yesterday, and share the story with our boy.  We spent Thursday night in Astoria at a fantastic hotel and then went to the Columbia River Maritime Museum, which is amazing.  My dad would have loved it, and I wish he could have shared a bit of what he knew with Jedidiah.  We went by the Goonie's House but didn't go in since it was yucky weather.  Then we took Jed to Ft. Clatsop where Lewis and Clark spent 4 months.  What a long 4 months that must have been in the cold and damp.  After leaving Astoria and sharing our honeymoon stories with Jed and taking a few pictures, we went to the Fred Meyer in Warrenton where 14 years earlier we bought enough champagne to have a bottle a day.  Didn't do that this time, though. Decided to surprise my mom in Rockaway Beach.  On the way, we stopped a took a picture at the same lookout we'd visited on the honeymoon.  Wish I had the "now and then" photo, because I know I...


So we were jazzed to head to Washington DC and show my history-loving son the sights of our nation's historic capitol.  We left Fairbanks on time, no notices of bad weather (although we had been watching) and landed in Seattle so find that we've been re-booked to get into DC on Sunday, 2/16. So what do the flexible Hadaways do??  We rent a car and head to Astoria.  Why, Astoria? you might ask.  2 reasons - The first is that it's where Bob and I spent the first night of our honeymoon so it's a sentimental favorite for us.  The second is that Astoria is cool.  We're taking Jed to the Goonies House, the Maritime Museum, and Ft. Clatsop where Lewis and Clark spent a winter. We got a great hotel that's built on the site of an old cannery, it goes out into the Columbia River.  Here's a few views from our hotel room: Life is good and the Hadaways are flexible.  We'll see what the next few days bring.


I hate getting ready to go on vacation.  There's all these things to do - work, house sitter, cleaning, packing.  Do I have everything?  Did I get essential work done?  Do I have the right clothes to wear? I love getting on the plane and thinking, "Self, if it didn't get done by now...screw it." I'm ready to get on the plane.

vacation looms

Vacation looms. I realized awhile back that Bob and I have never taken the kids on a pure "vacation."  When we've traveled out of state since we've been married, we've gone to visit our families.  We've taken the kids on trips around Alaska, but never done a "destination vacation."  That's about to change. On Thursday, Bob, Jedidiah and I are going to fly to Washington DC for a vacation.  Bob has to go for a conference, so we decided to take Jed and go down a few days early.  I think Jed's the perfect age to enjoy DC, to remember the trip.  He loves history, he's inquisitive, he's so smart.  I'm really hoping he loves it. Now granted this is a Hadaway trip, so there are complications.  The weather in DC isn't looking that great.  Jed's on antibiotics for a sinus infection. Bob's having knee surgery the week after he gets back. I'm not letting any of that put a damper on things though.  I'm excited and we...

back to normal

When I left for Anchorage, my 10 year old was sickly and pale.  He fell asleep in the car, sounded absolutely pitiful.  My calls to check on him always found in him in bed, asleep.  My poor sweet, sick son. But yesterday, before I came home his father took him to the doctor and he got started on medication for a sinus infection.  The medicine seems to be working. Today he's onery, smart-mouthed, argumentative.  He just wants to play on the computer or his iPod. He hates the Winter Olympics, how cold our house is, being asked to clean the bathroom, and people (especially his mother) telling him what to do. Guess he's feeling better.  I should be happy, yes?


For the first time in my Facebook life I'm facing a dilemma.  I might have to unfriend someone.  I've been on the other end of this situation many times, which I think is due to my "liberal" views, or the fact that I share political stuff, or the fact that my head isn't stuck up my tea party ass.  No matter the reason, it hasn't bothered me.  In fact, it kinda makes me proud. But there's a person on Facebook that I've known professionally, and always gotten along with quite well.  In fact, I think she's a nice enough person; I always am glad to see her.  She's well read, and shares a variety of genres and books.  However, after the Superbowl, when I started to realize that there were folks out there hating on Coca Cola, I saw a post supporting the "you're only American if you speak English" position offended by the America the Beautiful ad.  Honestly, it was visceral reaction for me.   For one, I thought the ad was cool. I'm...