Let's try this again

I didn't write much in 2013.  I can blame it on lots of things, but the fact is that I didn't and I need to do more in 2014.  It's good for me and keeps me in practice.  Some day I WILL write that "great American novel" (or at least some good pulp fiction) and so I need to keep clicking away.

I'm trying to remember what's significant about 2013... nephew Miles was diagnosed with cancer, Aileen started college in Montana, I've plugging away at another master's degree, Bob and I worked, Hannah worked, got a bit healthier, read some good books, enjoyed good friends.  I guess it must be okay because nothing really bad sticks out.  Not like 2009-10 which were horrible, and not like 2000 when I was young.  Just a year in the life.

Right now health challenges have me a bit anxious.  Miles in in round 2 of chemo, but seems to be doing okay.  Bob is likely having sinus surgery within 2 weeks.  Jed has been sick constantly for much of the fall and that's been worrisome.  We have an appointment with an immunologist in March and I'll be happy for that. The reality is that Bob and Jed probably need a warmer, more moist climate.  That will be something to figure out since I can't retire for 7 more years.  I'm staying pretty healthy, thank goodness, and working hard at getting both more fit and less fat.

So bring it on, 2014.  I see good things ahead.  We're taking our first ever "vacation" in February to Washington DC with Jed.  I get master's degree #2 in May and am done with school for awhile. We've got the greenhouse all built and ready to plant in the spring so I'm looking forward on working on the yard/property down there.  My mom and Bob's mom are doing well, although both feel too far away.  I have good friends, a good job, a cozy house.

So there's my little self-indulgent "it's all about me" post to start the year off.  Maybe my son will provide some comic relief, maybe I'll find an issue to get worked up about, maybe I'll just write.


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