Friday night

I'm having a pretty perfect Friday night.  My kids are accounted for - wish they were all home, but I'll take what I can get.  Dogs are sleeping.  Woodstove is burning.  Husband is close by. Cocktail is cold.  Life is relaxed and quiet.

I like this part of life.  I feel like I can just sit back and enjoy the blessings in my life.  Everyone is content and things are peaceful.

So what will I do next?  I'll pick up my James Patterson murder mystery novel and immerse myself in the world of the sick and twisted.  I must admit that after years of being "literary" the indulgence in purely pulp, mind candy is kind of fun.  Other than the paranoia and the nightmares about crazed murderers, that is.

Tonight Bob pointed out that we've been officially in love for almost 17 years.  It's funny how I don't seem to remember much before him, nor do I feel like it's been that long.  I just know that I am lucky to get perfect nights like this.  Kids, bourbon, dogs, books, husband, fire, chocolate pudding.  Life is good.


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