Red or Blue?

When I was little I remember sitting in front of my grandparents' fireplace while my Gramps had a fire going.  My Grammie's whole house was blue & white, except for her pink bathroom, and the mantle had all sorts of blue & white candles, pottery, and knick knacks.  I wanted the big crock she kept by the fireplace, but she was afraid I'd use it for putting wood in (which makes me laugh) but she did send me the blue metal matchbox that hung on the wall.  Today I hung it up at my house, and seeing it by the woodstove makes me happy.

I've been missing my Gram extra much lately.  She was an avid Republican woman, and a devout Catholic, so I can't help wonder who should would have voted for this election.  I can not see her voting for a Mormon, as she didn't think much of them as a religion.  And I can't see her voting for a Democrat.  Still, I think Obama would have won out over Romney.  What I can't figure out is what logic should would have created to justify the vote for a Dem.  Biden's a Catholic, although so is Ryan. Biden's more of a Gram Catholic though, so I think he would have won out.  Gram was also for women's rights, so maybe the Republican war on women would have caused her to go blue.  All I know is it would have made for interesting discussions with her.


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