I love fall. Right now it's unseasonably warm in Fairbanks, but it still seems fallish. We had folks over the other night for a cookout. Evening started off warm and sunny and ended with us pulling out the fleece and Carhardts. That's how a fall evening should end up. I love it!
Camping in the fall is the best. Warm during the day, cool in the evening, and then when you wake up you can see your breath and feel the crisp air and know you're alive and life is good. I always have loved moose hunting season, and still miss it after all these years.
We just ordered a brand new tent. The last one was purchased in 1997 and has seen some hard times with the kids and dogs. This one is a family tent, but should get us easily through 3 seasons. Our plan is to head north next weekend. Bob wants to get as far as Atigun Pass, but I'm not sure we'll get there. Atigun Pass had a blizzard warning last week, with 4-6 inches of snow expected. Might be a little chilly for the kids (one of whom isn't super keen on camping with her parents anyway!).

The first time I ever set a tent up by myself, it was this old, weird dome tent of my dad's. You pushed down on the top until it "clicked" and then to release it you pulled a lever inside (and it then collapsed on you). It was heavy canvas, and it folded in half to fit into a big ol' bag. I took it to a girl scout camp at Skilak Lake, and then on other adventures. I found one on Ebay and wish I still had Dad's... apparently it was a classic Bill Moss Thermos Pop Up. You can read all it about it here: vintage-1960-original-bill-moss-tent
When I graduated from high school I bought my own tent. It was a blue Kelty two person. Easy to set up, warmed up easily, good rainfly. I lent that tent to a former boyfriend and never saw it again. The next tent I bought was with Bob. An REI family dome that never was a favorite. It worked okay though, and set up relatively easily. We lost poles gradually and for the past few years the fly hasn't really flown. Hence, a new tent.
My only other good tent story can only be told now that that statute of limitations has run out. One of my friends was given a great, expensive tent for college graduation by a boyfriend who loved the outdoors. When she decided to leave him, he wanted the tent and refused to give it to her. So, indignant at his nerve, we decided to break in to his house and get the tent back. She was worried she'd be recognized by neighbors, so I got the privilege of breaking (only slightly) and entering to get the key to the garage where the tent was stored. We re-appropriated the tent and went our merry way. For about 3 hours. Then my friend got guilty, cold feet and I had to repeat the experience by breaking in a second time - this time to return the damn tent!! Every time I drive by the condos out by the Anchorage airport I get grumpy at her for chickening out.
But that was in the past, and now on I'm the up and up. I'm excited about camping between now and snowfall. New tent, cool air, pretty colors..... bring it on!
Camping in the fall is the best. Warm during the day, cool in the evening, and then when you wake up you can see your breath and feel the crisp air and know you're alive and life is good. I always have loved moose hunting season, and still miss it after all these years.
We just ordered a brand new tent. The last one was purchased in 1997 and has seen some hard times with the kids and dogs. This one is a family tent, but should get us easily through 3 seasons. Our plan is to head north next weekend. Bob wants to get as far as Atigun Pass, but I'm not sure we'll get there. Atigun Pass had a blizzard warning last week, with 4-6 inches of snow expected. Might be a little chilly for the kids (one of whom isn't super keen on camping with her parents anyway!).

The first time I ever set a tent up by myself, it was this old, weird dome tent of my dad's. You pushed down on the top until it "clicked" and then to release it you pulled a lever inside (and it then collapsed on you). It was heavy canvas, and it folded in half to fit into a big ol' bag. I took it to a girl scout camp at Skilak Lake, and then on other adventures. I found one on Ebay and wish I still had Dad's... apparently it was a classic Bill Moss Thermos Pop Up. You can read all it about it here: vintage-1960-original-bill-moss-tent
When I graduated from high school I bought my own tent. It was a blue Kelty two person. Easy to set up, warmed up easily, good rainfly. I lent that tent to a former boyfriend and never saw it again. The next tent I bought was with Bob. An REI family dome that never was a favorite. It worked okay though, and set up relatively easily. We lost poles gradually and for the past few years the fly hasn't really flown. Hence, a new tent.
My only other good tent story can only be told now that that statute of limitations has run out. One of my friends was given a great, expensive tent for college graduation by a boyfriend who loved the outdoors. When she decided to leave him, he wanted the tent and refused to give it to her. So, indignant at his nerve, we decided to break in to his house and get the tent back. She was worried she'd be recognized by neighbors, so I got the privilege of breaking (only slightly) and entering to get the key to the garage where the tent was stored. We re-appropriated the tent and went our merry way. For about 3 hours. Then my friend got guilty, cold feet and I had to repeat the experience by breaking in a second time - this time to return the damn tent!! Every time I drive by the condos out by the Anchorage airport I get grumpy at her for chickening out.
But that was in the past, and now on I'm the up and up. I'm excited about camping between now and snowfall. New tent, cool air, pretty colors..... bring it on!