Teaching my boy to cook.  The flip side of teaching your child to be cautious about flames and knives is that he's nervous about being suddenly encouraged to use flames and knives.  But we've had the "they're tools that need to be used correctly" talk and its getting better.  He's mastered quesadillas in the microwave and is getting pretty good at hamburgers.  AND (this really warms the cockles of mom's heart) he knows that with the entree he needs some sort of vegetable, or two.

It's a strange thing when your baby grows up, as millions have learned before me.  But it feels so personal when it's MY baby.  He looks taller, leaner.  He's doing so much more for himself.  I can leave him home alone when I go out for a walk. 

I guess it's a reminder that change happens, and that each phase brings positives.  It's the same with other cycles isn't it?  Winter to spring, from bloom to seed, from baby to independent being. 

And who knows, maybe he'll even cook for his mama.


Lori L said…
I can't wait to read that blog post. Jed's first meal for his mama and her review of the meal.
Including veggies is one thing, but how about presentation.

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