This I believe

I don't apologize for who I am.  Lately I've had some, let's say, "negative response" for some of my Facebook posts and my political leanings.  Let me get a few things straight.

I believe in equal rights for all people, including gays, transgendered, immigrants, and even Republicans.  I want all people in my country to have access to health care, not just the wealthy.  If that makes me a Socialist, so be it.  I like Obamacare.  I want my leaders to be intelligent and don't thinking wanting kids to go college makes me a snob. I have a membership in the NRA, but think gun control in many respects makes perfect sense and doesn't often threaten my right to bear arms.  I have sincere faith and belief in God, but I don't think she wants to run our country and I don't think she appreciates small-minded bigots claiming that the KJV is the literal word of the lord, or that cavemen cavorted with dinosaurs.  I believe the war on women by the Christian right is abominable and that making it legal for doctors to lie to women for any reason sets civil rights in our country back decades.  I believe the economists whose studies show that tax breaks for the rich don't really stimulate job growth.  I believe that if G.W. Bush can take 8 years to screw our country up so royally, take us from a budget surplus to a huge deficit, devastate the economy, and violate the tenants of the United Nations Convention Against Torture then its reasonable to cut Obama a break that he hasn't fixed it all in 4 years. And stop blaming him for the woes he inherited.  (  I believe that the greatest country in the world should be embarrassed by the ongoing racism, lack of support for public education, and championed ignorance of the right wing media.  I believe in free love, cheap whiskey, and not taking myself too seriously.

And if you don't like what I believe, that's fine with me.


Lori L said…
Well said. three cheers for free speech.
If I were still on the devil Facebook, in the networking vicinity (due to shared upbringing) of right-wing nuts who assumed that I should tolerate them while they actively tried to curtail *my" freedoms (one of many reasons I removed myself from F/B), I'd click the "Like" button.

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