whoda thunk?

Somehow I've become a bit of a techie.  I started this blog in 2008 when I wasn't even 100% sure what a blog was.  Since then, I found a few readers, and I've learned to put a link to a video or include an image.  Then, I took a new job where I had time to learn "stuff."  I had always wanted to learn to use technology in my classroom, but never took the time, nor did I really think I could figure it all out without taking away from my content.  This year, I began by creating my own work website to share resources and teaching ideas.  I have taught courses on using Garageband to create poetry podcasts.  I have taught students to use Noodle Tools and Google Earth.  I even led the professional development presentation on the school district's draft technology curriculum.

Now I'm taking a course for my master's degree called something like "Integrating Technology."  Our first assignment was to create a blog and to create a Delicious account.  Voila!  I already had both, so I knew what to do.  In fact, I now have TWO blogs - my personal noise and my "official" class blog called (get this) A Boolean Boondoggle.    I am SO excited to be learning more about integrating technology smoothly into teaching.  There is such disconnect between the tech usage of students and the views and knowledge of most teachers.  There has to be a way to use all this stuff to help student learning.

So tonight I celebrate the fact that this old dog can learn new tricks.  Whoda thunk?


Jessica said…
I don't know what a noodle garbage band is
Lori L said…
and you so lost me.
this old dog may not care.

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