the slow reveal

I love the fact that days are getting longer, the sun is shining, summer vacation is looming, and the world has taken on a cheery glow.  However, there is one aspect of spring that I dread each year.  The slow reveal as the snow slips away of the yard cleanup that has to happen.

This year the melt has brought previously unknown horrors.  Apparently over the winter the black dog decided to expand her evacuating exploits - we have poo all over the damn yard.  See, our dogs are usually in the  house or in the pen, so clean up is localized.  But this little dog is an escape artist, and no matter what we've tried she would escape during the day and run around in the yard.  We knew her destructive powers to some extent.  She, literally, chewed down three smallish decorative trees that I've been babying for the last 7 years.  She found a sled that didn't get put away and gnawed the sides off.  Now we have realized that she's pooped all over the place and we have to tread carefully and wait until it's dry enough to rake up.

On top of the usual, small pieces of trash that blew out of the truck, or garden supplies that didn't get put away before the snow, this situation is making me unhappy.  Thank goodness I've got children to force into unpleasant labor duties.


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