hot mama

My husband came home the other day with a heated mattress pad.  For those of you who have never enjoyed this beautiful luxury, just be assured that it's pretty much heaven.  On a cold night, you turn it on before you go to bed and then slide into warm, cozy sheets.  Ahhhh.

We got them for the girls several years ago for Christmas and they still love them. We got one for Bob's mom; big hit.  So I was excited to see one for me arrive.

But, as with all things that seem too good to be true, there's a glitch.  Our heated mattress pad has two controls, one for each side of the bed.  This is a good thing, as I get cold at night and Bob gets hot (yes, I know this pattern will likely change in a few years....).  So I thought we were all set - until this morning.  I woke up and I was cold!  And so were my sheets!

At first I thought I'd hit the button accidentally to turn the heat off, or that maybe my controls had come unplugged.  So I queried aloud, "I wonder why my sheets are so cold this morning?"  To which my hubby replied, "Oh, I reached over last night and turned your side way down.  I was going to snuggle you but it was too hot."

I am grouchy at him for presuming to adjust my controller, and for causing me to be cold this morning.  This is actually a sticky situation, as it was sweet of him to want to snuggle but it was not sweet of him to turn down my mattress pad. 

So today I will ponder a tactful way to let him know that snuggling is okay, but turning down the heat under my sheet is not. 

Okay, for some reason that last sentence just sounded weird..... I'd better go practice my tact.


Lori L said…
I can always count on you to come up with the dilemma of the day.

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