Day 27

I'm on day 27 of the "get Mel healthy" plan.  This means that for the past 27 days I've lived on a lovely diet of chicken, halibut, shrimp, select fruits and vegetables, melba toast and lots of green tea.  I did cheat once and had a glass of nice chianti  with my husband one night, but that's it.  I actually feel pretty good, and I know that avoiding the sugar and processed foods is good for me and good for my cholesterol.  I've lost a few pounds, been motivated and frustrated, but I'm sticking in.

I've been thinking a lot about the uncertainty in life lately.  So many people I know find themselves in unexpected places -  a divorce after 20 years of marriage, a baby 17 years after the last one, life-threatening illnesses, job loss.  No matter how settled things seem, one never knows what could strike next.  Each event, each change is what it is and our job is to deal with it and keep moving forward.  I know it sounds cheesy to say look for the silver lining in the clouds, but that's what we have to do.  To not take that approach is to self select misery or, worse yet, to "settle." 

So I'm going  to do what I can to make sure that I keep myself healthy so that I can enjoy what I have, and be around as long as I can.  I know that I should have called this post "cheesy" but it's where I am todaym!

Magister mundi sum!


Missy said…
I should have said this today when I saw you but I was "on a mission." You look great.

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