
I think I've been coping with the whole "no running water" situation pretty well. It's weird because, as I've said, when you're set up to live with no water it's not that big of a deal.  But when your life is set up to utilize running water, it's hard to rework your life to fit in driving to showers, fetching water, and going to the laundry mat.

I've been showering at the local pool in the morning before work.  The water is hot, there's not a lot of people, and it works just fine.  The other day there was a glitch because I remembered my toothbrush but forgot the toothpaste.  I hit a convenience store on the way to work and renewed my minty fresh breath.  Today was a bit more challenging.

I felt good this morning as I left the house.  Made Jed's lunch, got my stuff together, hit the road and enjoyed Morning Edition on NPR as I headed into town.  Had a nice, hot shower, combed out my hair and went to get dressed in my work clothes.  Realization hits.  I didn't pack a bra. 

Okay, so once I forgot a washcloth, and then some toothpaste, but forgetting to pack a bra on a day when you're scheduled to teach 14 year olds isn't the best plan.  I got dressed and pondered the situation.  I did have a jacket and a scarf.  After various strategic maneuvers I almost considered it; it might just work after all.  But as I walked from the locker to my boots, I realized, unless I duct taped that scarf in place it wasn't going to work.  I do carry duct tape in my car, so that was an option I considered briefly.  The other option was to create a bra out of duct tape, but I worried about what the innocent bystanders in the locker room would think as I went back in to construct it.  I could hear the conversation, "You would never guess what I saw this woman doing in the locker room today!  She was wrapping her boobs with pink duct tape!!" 

So I got in my car, thought about options, and headed to Fred Meyer to buy a damn bra.  It was a quick trip in, grabbed a bra - despite not really having a clue about what size I might wear - and paid for it.  A trip back down Airport Way maneuvering into the damn thing (and there's a law against texting while driving?!  that's nothing, believe me)  and I was ready to teach.  Unfortunately, the bra I bought seemed to fit in the cups but was seriously tight around the ribs but hey, breathing deeply is totally overrated.

So I taught some 9th graders who were none the wiser of the frantic start to my day. And, as the fates would have it, got the word that the water is running freely again at the Hadaway household.  So tonight I'm celebrating!  Took a hot shower, drank a cold margarita, threw in a load of laundry.... ahhh, the simple things.


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