modern conveniences

I've become a wimp.  No water since Saturday and distressed.  I mean, we're surviving but I seem unable to wash dishes, wash my children, cook dinner or brush my teeth.  I did go to a friend's a shower tonight, first one since Friday, and I must say that even I know I smell better.  (Up until I'd just been sitting next to the dog and blaming any stink on her.)  The plumber did finally make it up our driveway today and spent some time, only to decide that different parts were needed and that he wouldn't be able to fix it all until Wednesday.  Wednesday.  Two. More. Days.

The worse part of this all is that I lived without running water for a long time and did just fine.  Granted, I didn't have children to care for and most of the time I didn't have a professional type job, but it was no big deal.  I was more set up for waterless living, with buckets and tanks and a system for showers and clothes washing.  Now, I'm lazy and reliant on turning on the faucet or loading up the washer. 

What's also kind of funny is that while I sit here lamenting my primitive conditions and longing for the return of my normal, lots of folks would think my house is unacceptable even with water.  I watch these shows like House Hunters where people shop for homes with requirements like master suites with attached baths, laundry rooms with counter and a sink,  and custom kitchens.  My washer and dryer are in my kitchen (that's custom, right?) and we have one bathroom which we all share and which is off the kitchen, privacy guaranteed by a little folding door.  When my cousin visited, he found the fact that folks sitting at the kitchen table could hear you pee a little disconcerting.  What a prissy one he was.....

Still, this is home and it works for us.  And its actually so much fancier than it used to be when my only kitchen counter was a 3 foot section of 1x12 lumber and my cabinets were rubbermaid totes.  We even have doorknob on most of the doors these days.

So bring on the water once again and let the good times flow!


Lori L said…
just for the record, I'm not a prissy, but I am not coming to visit if you don't have running water. I can deal with the folding door.....

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