
Last night I had two distinct dreams that I remember clearly. In the first, I was showering in the locker room at the University of Alaska Patty Center, when I looked down to see strange purple bumps all over my legs. I touched one and a small, pink worm starting to emerge. I didn't panic, but called Bob to find a doctor and started pulling all these worms out of my skin. He couldn't find a doctor or clinic who would take me, so I sat on the bench and watched the worms....

In the second dream we were at a food court in a busy mall. Bob was underneath one of the tables, throwing a football at passerby's feet, trying to trip them. He seemed to have an unlimited supply of footballs, because I don't recall him having to go get them after he'd thrown them. I tried to tell him that he was acting annoying and dangerous, but he kept laughing and saying he was having fun. His aim was good, and when innocent bystanders kept tripping after getting nailed in the feet by a perfectly thrown spiral, he would laugh hysterically.

Any dream analysts out there who can make sense of these for me, feel free to speculate. Strange.


Missy said…
Okay, I would pay good money to have a video of the second dream. :) I know this doesn't help you.
Melanie said…
Can't you see Bob up to this type of no good?

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