summer living

Our oldest came home from the dorms yesterday. Her dad went to fetch her and came back with a truckload of stuff. I don't know how she fit it all in that small room on campus! So she started to sort stuff, and I'll help her sort & pack more this evening so she can put what she doesn't need into the shed for the summer.

Hannah is getting to spend her summer in our studio cabin. It's not very big, and doesn't have running water, but it has a nice little space with a tv, fridge & microwave. It used to be her room but when she went off to school we moved our stuff in and turned it into an office/guest space. So although she doesn't have tons of space to put out personal knick knacks, it's pretty darn cool & comfortable. In fact, it's way nicer than some of the places I lived when I was younger.

I spent several summers living in an old camp trailer in my aunt & uncle's backyard. I don't remember for sure, but I think the only belongings I brought were a duffle bag of clothes, a toiletry bag and my camping gear in the back of my truck. One year I rented a dry cabin off Kalifornsky Beach Road in Kenai, weirrd neighbors, an outhouse and no stove. Then there was the cabin I lived in one winter in Minto. Lovely experience from that place included waking up with a mouse sitting on my chest and the roof partially caving in and dumping snow and insulation on me in the middle of the night.

So hopefully Hannah will enjoy both having her own space, and the comforts of the studio. It looks pretty awesome out there today, with the sun shining between the birches.


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