Our Gang

Last Christmas, my mom sent my kids a dvd with shorts from Our Gang and The Little Rascals. All in black and white, and most of them silent using captions, they show a bunch of kids having fun and playing. Although made around 1928 (they went to sound in 1929) these crazy antics still make my kids laugh out loud. I think it's proof that real comedy is timeless.

What I think is cool about the Little Rascals is that the group of kids includes black and white children, as well as both girls and boys. I also like the fact that these poor children are constantly coming into conflict with "the man." The kids are genuine and accepting (they even fight to save their dog from the evil dog catcher who wants to kill it, even though they have the money to spring it from the hooskow) and they come into conflict with uncaring adults and rich, snobby kids. While it's true that the kids tend to fit into common stereotypes (the fat kid, the bully, the pretty blond) the stereotypes were applied to all races as well as whites, to children and to adults. It was all slapstick comedy.

It makes me happy to see my kids laughing at something so old fashioned. No special effects, simple costumes and kids just playing at being kids, using their imagination and whatever is around to create their fun. In fact, I'm hoping that Jed takes some inspiration from these Little Rascals - we even have a dog to help create the antics.


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