adios man

Dennis Hopper died today. I don't know that I can say he was one of my favorite actors, but his appearances in movies were always memorable, and his movies have been some of the ones that most affected me. I think the first movie in which I really noticed Dennis Hopper was Rumble Fish , which was based upon an S.E. Hinton novella. He played an alcoholic father, both damaged and damaging to his sons. Hinton's stories are always hard-hitting with me, and this story is one of the first times I thought about the fate of characters who are too smart, or too perceptive, or see too clearly. Of course, the first big time Hopper movie that made an impact was Apocalypse Now . I saw this movie on cable late one night when I was all alone at my parents' house in Kenai. I'd been to a year or two of college at that point and was really struggling with who I was and where/what I wanted to become. The movie is so powerful in so many ways, but Hopper's photojournalist character...