St. Patrick's Day

So I totally don't get it. When I was a kid, we loved St. Patrick's day. Everyone wore green - or you would get pinched - and we ate corned beef and cabbage and put green food coloring in our milk. It was a real holiday.

This morning, my kids both said "whatever" when I suggested they wear green. Neither was pleased by green milk, and when I cheerily reminded them both of "corned beef and cabbage for dinner!" I got a "Yuck, I'm totally not eating that" from one and a "I'm a vegetarian" from the other. What's wrong with these people???

So I'm going to try another approach. We'll do some broccoli salad with dinner (it's green so it counts, right?) which will appease the vegetarian and might tempt the finicky boy. I'm making chocolate stout cupcakes, which no one can resist, and will keep the extra beers to help my hubby find some Irish cheer. I'm thinking of getting some mint chocolate chip ice cream to use as a reward for good Irish eaters as well.

The real question is, are my children just apathetic goobers or do kids nowadays not enjoy the simple things? Or maybe my husband who espouses his Welch and English, anti-Irish philosophy has corrupted them? Maybe I'm just doing a lousy job helping my kids learn about the important things in life. I mean, we discussed the Ideas of March & Caesar's death on Monday, maybe I should have done a hard sell of St. Patty's Day instead.

Oh well, maybe I'll go hit the pub and ponder this and other deep thoughts. Here's one to you, my friends!

May you be in
Heaven a half hour before the
Devil knows you're dead!


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