I give up

So we got the yearly Halloween costume. It's always a balance of ordering early enough (if we're ordering) so that it gets here in time, and not so early that it's destroyed or worn out before the actual event. This year, it got here waaay early.

So at first my husband says, "We'll just put it away until the Halloween carnival." Ha! Like that will work, I thought to myself (knowing after 14 years that actually saying that out loud would probably not be the best idea). So, as the wise mother knows after the repetition, with variations, of the question, "Can I just try on the helmet / gloves/ goggles?" The costume is down and in full play.

My role in this entire situation is to make sure the boy understands that, if this costume should befall a tragedy, we're not purchasing a new one. I don't really like store-bought costumes anyways, although it's always a losing battle at my house when I suggest we just invent something. (Secretly, I wish that the costume will disintegrate and I can make him a costume - a trashbag monster, or a box, or a hippie or something...)

So now, I sit at the computer, trying to drink some coffee and read some news before I must head into town to run the never ending errands. In between sips of coffee, I am alternately the bad guy who must be destroyed, or the innocent bystander who needs saving. Who knew that I could calmly drink coffee amidst such a battle!!

Is it Halloween yet?


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