
Today was an interesting day in terms of the future. I was sitting waiting for Bob to finish getting his sinuses sucked out, and one of my former students came to see me in his scrubs. He's finishing his OB rotation before heading to Whitefish, MT for his next rotation. He was a totally great kid in high school, he's probably a great doctor, but it's weird to think of him delivering babies.

I've had former students as my dental assistant, giving me shots, and I've had a former student cut my hair. I've had former students come to brag about how great they're doing, and how they make more money than me. I had a former student share his views on Dante and I've had former students recommend good music and good books.

Today I also read about a former student who used a gun to break into a hotel room over drugs and ended up shot and in the hospital. He was a gifted poet, and a hell of a creative soul, but I can't say I'm too surprised to read about him. Just sad.

In 15 years of teaching, I've taught a lot of kids who have ended up a lot of places. I've seen a lot of promise, a lot of sadness, and a lot of personalities. There's a few students who I have really liked, the kind of students who I would like to have as friends if I were peers. I feel lucky to hear updates from them, what they're reading and studying, where they're heading. It's interesting to have a site like Facebook, where students can "friend request" you. I've said yes to some, and no to others. I guess for me, I just don't feel like compromising what I might want to say or share.

It's funny to be a teacher when you don't necessarily believe in the educational system. Over the years I've tried hard to hide that side of me, to be an "earnest educator." I know some students have seen through the facade but most don't. Don't get me wrong, I believe in learning and I believe in teaching but I don't believe in the system. I see education as a means to "keep your enemy closer." I want my students to know "the man" so they can overthrow it. Or at least change it.

I have faith in the future, because I know there are talented and intelligent leaders out there, waiting to emerge. I hope that some of them will keep in touch with me, let me know how the rebellion is going. Some of them don't even realize they'll be the leaders, but I know. And so I wait.


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