I get it

After today I understand why some species eat their young. I always wanted "spirited" kids, ones who question and think and advocate for themselves. After today, I want obedience. I want to be able to tell my son "jump" and have him comply. I want him to understand that being a bully, saying mean words and hitting are not going to get him what he wants.

Is some ways I know it's getting better. His "bad" behavior has increased because he's digging in his heels, pushing limits, and trying to see if I'll cave in. I think I did okay today; luckily my hubby was able to come home a bit early and take over child rearing for a while.

When I was a kid I had a mean mouth. I'd say mean things and then cry myself to sleep worrying that the people I loved would die before I could apologize or before they'd forgive me. It made me feel awful and it turned my household of likewise mean-mouthed folks into a horrible place to be. Granted, it wasn't like that all the time, but the Mahurins knew how to get in a zinger where it would hurt. It was a strange paradox, because I always knew I was loved, but with that love meant that there were folks who knew where the weaknesses were.

After a long day, it's nice to be able to reflect. I went in and kissed him and I think he understands that I love him. He looks so perfect in his Star Wars pajamas, and so sincere in wanting snuggles and hugs. He's wanting reassurance, kisses and to tell us all he loves us.

I guess I'll keep him.


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