Patchwork Monkeys

I've always had a huge (and I thought irrational) fear of sock monkeys. They smile their red mouthed smile but secretly they're waiting to suck your soul and leave you dead. Recently, thanks to the joy of FB quizzes (5 things I'm terrified of) I've discovered that there is a basis for this fear. A friend reminded me of a short story "The Patchwork Monkey" by Beverly Butler that must have scarred me for life; she is scared also, to this day, as a matter of creepy fact.

So I set out to find the story. No luck on the Internet, although they've made it into an award-winning short film. I did finally find the title of the collection and started searching. I think I got a deal buying an old used copy for $99. That's right, one hundred books for a used children's book that I think may be responsible for my terror. Needless to say, I'm not telling my husband I just spent an ungodly amount of money on this book. (Luckily for me, he avoids all blogs and Facebook, so I'm safe.)

I can not wait until it gets here, to read the story and see if it provides some sort of secret key to my childhood mind. In the meantime, there's a great post on

No wonder I'm terrified, yes?


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