The Times They Are a'Changing

I love my little house in Fairbanks.  It's not fancy, it's an awesome location, and its where we raised our family for the last 20 years.  But even I have to admit that a winter out here in the hills can feel long.  Last year there were a few times Bob had to plow with the 4 wheeler 3x in 2 days. So spending the winter in Georgia not only gives us a bit of break, and gives us a new adventure, it also puts us close to Bob's mom.  It's a win-win-win. 

So at this time next week, I'll be sitting in my little house in Blairsville, Georgia. It's not fancy, it's in an awesome location, and with a few improvements it's going to be lovely.

It will (eventually) have more space, closets, and a family room/ tv room which are all things I'm excited about and our Fairbanks house doesn't have.

What I'll need to adjust to is living in rural Georgia.  Things I already have realized - There is no package liquor store in Union County; there is moonshine for purchase at Grandaddy Mimm's Distilling.  Beer and wine can't be purchased on Sundays, and there seem to be no sit down restaurants open on Sundays.  Our neighbors have slow children and chickens. Our backyard needs to be cleared of stumps and growth where the snakes are likely living.  Southern nights are really loud, with cicadas calling in the day and dusk and katydids making a ruckus at night. 

I've also realized that being in the north Georgia mountains make my husband happy and excited. And us being in the north Georgia mountains also makes my in-laws happy.  So those things make me happy.

Wish me luck!


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