What to do???

In the past 4 years I've finished two masters degrees, started a new job, and got my principal certification.  Just the other day I got my diploma in the mail, so I guess its official.  Spent the weekend with an eerie feeling that I was forgetting something, but realized it's just that there's no homework hanging over my head.  Kinda strange.

So the question now is, what to do next?  Do I just take it easy and concentrate on doing my job and hanging with the fam? Those aren't bad things, and they sound really nice right now, actually.  The thing is, if I'm not moving I'm just standing still and I don't know that's my style.  Even when I was teaching, I was always mixing it up.  Taking on new classes, writing pilot courses, starting a 9th grade team, being department head, working on curriculum - every year it seemed like there was a new professional challenge.  The plus side was that I love trying to do new things and improve; the down side was that I got a bit tired and burned out.  But then I got a new job, started back to school - see a pattern here?

The calm and wise part of my brain says I should kick back and just concentrate on doing my job to the best of my ability.  It's really the first year I can focus only on it. So can I do it??  I am looking forward to being able to teach some professional development classes, which I haven't really done the last year and a half.  I love team teaching with my work partner, and it's always challenging but fun and rejuvenating. I could just focus on that, right?

I suggested to Bob that I start a doctorate in literature, as I'd like to become an expert on symbols and archetypes in Stephen King books.  He just laughed and said I need to win the lottery first.

In the meantime, I guess I'll ponder and enjoy reading books that aren't about education.  Reading some  mysteries and have added a few authors to my book list, which is pretty long. I'll enjoy my new kitchen and do some cooking, clean my house before my mother in law comes to visit.

But as much as I love all that, I've really, really enjoyed being a student again, learning "stuff" and thinking and reflecting.  I'm sure I'll find something else.  Just not sure what.


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