
Showing posts from October, 2012
Conference #2.  Good stuff but tired of traveling.  Ready to be home.  Should be writing a paper but am instead editing other's papers.  More fun.  At least I have wine and food tv.  But I miss my fam.

Red or Blue?

When I was little I remember sitting in front of my grandparents' fireplace while my Gramps had a fire going.  My Grammie's whole house was blue & white, except for her pink bathroom, and the mantle had all sorts of blue & white candles, pottery, and knick knacks.  I wanted the big crock she kept by the fireplace, but she was afraid I'd use it for putting wood in (which makes me laugh) but she did send me the blue metal matchbox that hung on the wall.  Today I hung it up at my house, and seeing it by the woodstove makes me happy. I've been missing my Gram extra much lately.  She was an avid Republican woman, and a devout Catholic, so I can't help wonder who should would have voted for this election.  I can not see her voting for a Mormon, as she didn't think much of them as a religion.  And I can't see her voting for a Democrat.  Still, I think Obama would have won out over Romney.  What I can't figure out is what logic should would have create


Tonight was a great last night's dinner in Richmond.  Walked to the Europa and it was fantastic. It was an evening of tapas.  We shared the following: pan roasted clams and mussels hangar kabobs flatbread duck pizza crispy brussel sprouts roasted cauliflower ( ) All were excellent.  I'm going to try to re-create the brussel sprouts - so good.  The duck pizza was probably my favorite, but I'm a big fan of duck. Cocktails were also good.  I tried the Pimm's Cup and the Pear Limeade.  Both were tasty and sneaky - did not taste any alcohol, just delicious goodness. I tried the amaretto creme brulee and a shot of grand marinier for dessert.  Very tasty.  Overall, no complaints.  Excellent food, nice dessert, tasty cocktails - ahhhh. Next trip is to Anchorage.  Hmmm, wonder if I can find someplace new in the same old town....

Richmond food

Today is day #2 in Richmond, Va.  Conference is good and found some good food as well.   Dinner at the CanCan Brasserie ( )     I had a port poached fig salad, with a duck confit and goat cheese.  Very tasty.  The entree was a wild mushroom bread pudding - again, very yum.  My table mates enjoyed their pomegranate quail and lamb.  There was a also a yummy, gingery Poison Apple martini.  Ummm. Dessert was across the street at Carytown Cupcakes.  I couldn't choose between the peanut butter oreo and the hummingbird, so got both.  The peanut butter oreo was amazing! Richmond seems interesting so far.  Not a lot going on in the downtown area where my hotel and the conference center is.  The city is clean, but seems pretty barren. Carytown was certainly more hopping, but we managed to get into the restaurant straight away (granted, it was 6:30 which is early for big city dining). So the challenge is tomorrow night.  I'm looking f

Same ol'

I'm not a hotel and traveling kind of girl.  I'm sitting here hunkered down, getting to control the remote for once, and I could be anywhere in the U.S.  Anywhere but home, anyway.   I know a lot of folks who look for conferences, look for reasons to travel.  I'm not one of those people.  I don't hate it, and I value professional development that helps me do my job better.   So here I am in Richmond.  After traveling all night, I'm not real energetic. Went for a walk around the canal, checked out the old brick buildings.  And then I hunkered down in the hotel, did some work, did some research for a paper, ordered a bowl of soup and some wine.  Now, with the shades drawn and CNN on tv, I'm missing home.  The siding should be done, the snow should be falling, and hopefully the family is taking care of my dog who is probably confused. So good nite Internet, good night moon. Good night television, going to bed soon.


Traveling this week.  Getting on the airplane tomorrow and heading for Richmond, Virginia.  I've never been to Richmond, and have only run through Virginia one brief time.  I'm not very excited about going, to tell the truth.  I'm kind of a homebody and I miss family when I'm away from them.  I do like sleeping by myself in a king size bed, but even that's not as cozy as a queen size with a husband and dog sharing. The challenge of heading to places like Virginia in October is that it's 70 degrees there during the day and we're getting pretty wintery. Mid 70's is hot for me, and all my summery stuff is packed up and put away.  So I'm trying to find clothes to take that travel well, don't require me to take a new pair of shoes for each outfit, are comfortable, and look professional.  Thank goodness for black - black pants, black sweater, black boots - throw on a shirt and good to go. I get back next Saturday night late, and home a week and the
We've had an amazingly beautiful fall.  But now it's starting to get that cold and clear feeling.  Not snow this week, but what might be called "high fall."  So I pour a bourbon, enjoy the wood stove.  At this rate, I'll be immobile by February, hanging out with the dogs and whining when the fire dies and waiting for Bob to get back to work while I hibernate until spring.


Why is it impossible to make a small pot of soup?  I started this morning, thinking I'd just leftover chicken & veggies in the fridge.  Purposefully didn't use much water. Purposefully didn't use all the zucchini.  Somehow, *poof* I have an almost full soup pot.    How does that happen?  Why can I never make a small pot of soup?


I've been in an Emerson mood lately.  He's always been my favorite Transcendentalist, and a good author to read when one is feeling contemplative, or questioning what's important in life.  I don't think he's the greatest poet in the world, though when I'm feel the Ralph Waldo urge I do delve into them.  I much more enjoy his essays.  Lately I've read through some of his sermons as well.  Emerson was a product of Harvard Divinity (although apparently not especially illustrious) and a Unitarian. I won't make anyone read the sermons and essays that I've been enjoying, but I strongly suggest checking out "Self Reliance." (Self Reliance )  I actually think its best in front of a woodstove with a glass of good bourbon, with the wind blowing outside.  Emerson believe that man was inherently good, and needed to look within for truth and follow that truth in life. In case you're not keen on the whole essay, here's a few quotelets to get
One of the positive about moving to central office from the classroom has been getting to know some neat people.  There is one gal I work with whom I met 17 years ago when I was getting certified to teach in the Teachers For Alaska program.  After all the years and very different pathways we ended up in the same office.  Our kids are pretty much the same age, and it turns out that we get along pretty well.  Team teaching and presenting with her is always a blast because although we're incredibly different - she's math, I'm English; she's quiet, I'm not - we balance each other out and share core beliefs about teaching, parenting, and human decency.  I feel fortunate to work with her and become her friend. Last Sunday was a Celebration of Life for her mother, who passed away about a year ago, and who lived and taught in Fairbanks for many years.  Although I didn't know her mom, she must have been pretty awesome because she raised two strong, capable girls and im


My left eyelid has been spasming all day.  Well, since about 11:00 am really.  I don't know that anyone else is noticing but I feel like one of those weird old dudes that blink a lot and creep you out when you talk to them.  It's actually been twitching so long that I'm starting to feel like Popeye, with a squinty tough guy look.  It's getting so annoying that I almost wish my right eye would start too so at least I'd be balanced. I'm hopeful that tomorrow the twitch is gone.  But I'm worried that soon my whole head will be twitching.  So if you see me wobbling down the hallway, be polite and just look the other way.  Please.