Much better

Last time I was in Anchorage, I stayed in a "reputable" hotel.  In reality, it was kinda yucky.  Thin, scratchy sheets.  Rough towels.  No room in the bathroom. I mean, it was clean and the staff was nice, but it was just ugh.

Tonight I'm hanging in style at the Embassy Suites.  Awesome bed, fast internet to work on my homework, big tvs, spacious well lit bathroom.  I'm digging it.

This week has been frustrating because there simply haven't been enough hours in the day to get everything done that I need to.  At least tonight I can relax and sleep well before getting started in meetings tomorrow.  I'm really loving my new job, but I'm constantly feeling like I'm behind the learning curve.  I know that the next time I do things, it'll go much more smoothly, but in the meantime I'm frustrated that I don't have it all clicking along as I'd like it to. 

Tonight I'm going to pretend that I'm on top of my game and just enjoy the peace and quiet.  After all (to borrow a quote from Scarlett) tomorrow is another day.


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