
I haven't blogged in forever it seems, and I miss just sitting down and writing.  I think part of it is the new job, and new classes starting and just the business of it all.  Kids have kept us busy as well and we've had a great experience with Sophia, Aileen's German exchange sister here with us.  She leaves Saturday morning, and Ali goes back to her mom for the week... it's gonna seem awfully quiet around here.

We're also transitioning into fall.  After some beautiful days over the Labor Day weekend, we've had some rainy and cool days.  I saw my first hard frost down in the creek beds the other day.  The golden red of the leaves has given way to dry brown and a more sickly color and soon they'll be gone.  The driveway today was carpeted with fallen leaves, and when - if- it ever dries out I'll be out raking the yard.

I was reading over some past blog posts the other day.  And then I talked with a former student who had me laughing over tales of her four year old.  I remember when my kids were cute and clever intsead of sarcastic and flippant.  I always knew that my precocious and precious son would eventually not be so "cute" but  more aptly labeled "mouthy."  Granted I still love him as much as ever, and I smile at the way he puts his words together.  And he did try to use the force on me the day to make me fetch him chocolate milk....Aileen is doing her own thing, and managing her life pretty well.  Next year she'll be a senior and then off to create her world.  Each phase is good, right?

I'm enjoying my new job a lot but adapting to the changes of it all.  I really enjoyed sharing an office with my colleagues last year, and they're over there laughing while I work mostly alone in my cubby / office.  I went to visit a group at a school the other day and was very much treated like "an administrator" instead of a peer.  It made me a little sad.  And then to hear that the teachers are thinking of pulling out of Interest Based Bargaining, as if the district has not played fair, also saddens me.  I'd like to think that as I teacher I tried to see the whole picture.  I never did get as rabid about bargaining as many did, and I never thought it was all about salary.  I don't think its only because I'm sleeping with a member of the district team (that would be my husband, by the way) that I feel like teachers are perhaps not being reasonable.

And to top it all off I'm in the final few classes of my master's degree.  Nineteen years after a bachelors,  25 years after graduating from high school, going back to school has been kind of fun.  And now I'm planning for AFTER this one is done.  Bring it on.

So, I'll keep adjusting to the changes, in my life and family, in my work, in the seasons...

In the words of Robert Gallagher, "Change is inevitable.  Except from a vending machine."


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