video games

So my son loves video games.  And my dilemma is whether I let him play them, and if so, how much?  I admit, I use them to my convenience.  For example, when we're traveling I'm happy to let him plug into Pokemon for the long flight.  But when we're home, I don't like 'em much.

On the other side, I can see him using problem solving skills to get through some of these role playing games.  He gets SO frustrated and then stops, ponders, and re-tries.  He also likes to read all the "stuff" - the intros, the discussions between characters, the Nintendo Power magazine.  I think about my two cousins who grew up on lots of video games.  They both turned out okay (well, by our family's standards anyways).

It's not like all he does is play games.  He reads, he plays soccer and badminton, he plays with the dogs and his friends and runs around like a yahoo.  But on some days, like today when it's rainy and cool outside, and we were up late and I'm working on homework, he'll play as long as I let him. I just looked up and realized he'd been 4 hours on the Wii.  Yup, I declare that I'm a officially a "bad mom."  I let my kid play 4 hours of Wii during the summer.

So I don't know... he's socialized and smart.  He thinks about things and exercises.  So is he going to be harmed by video games?  I guess there's the whole brain re-wiring argument (which truthfully I don't know whether to believe or not).

Any suggestions or advice much appreciated.  Although I know I've probably already screwed him up.  I better start budgeting for his therapy.


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