a good boy

I am proud of my boy tonight. Really proud. I always love my boy, and usually like him a lot. He's a "personality" as my gram would say, which means he can be a smart alec and a challenge. He's a great kid though and I really, really like him.

This morning started out with golf camp. My son usually gets pretty nervous about new situations, and I was worried about how he would do getting dropped off when he didn't know anyone. On the way to the course, he told me he was nervous, but that he knew he got nervous before all of his lessons, like skiing and soccer, and that he always had fun once he got started. He told me that he would be fine, and he was. Granted, I freaked out a little bit as I left him there with the coaches and other kids, none of whom I knew. He, on the other hand smiled and started talking to other kids. By the time I went back to get him he had made a buddy and seemed quite comfortable. I was proud of my boy for thinking through his worries and moving ahead so well.

On the way home we stopped to get soccer shoes. As we were leaving, one of his classmates came in and they began talking. Randy was getting soccer shoes too, and wasn't sure what team he was on. Jed extended his hand to shake and said to him, "I hope that if we play each other you have a good game." It was pretty cute. Then, as I talked with his mom, we realized the boys were going to be on the same team and Jed told him how happy he was, and that, since Randy missed the first practice, he would help him meet the other boys. I was proud of him.

Then tonight was soccer game #1. Jed's team was getting creamed, but the boys were all having a good time. At one point Jed and another boy collided and both went down. From across the field I saw Jed stand up and offer the boy his hand, pulling him to his feet. Then they both took back off into the game.

Sometimes we wonder if we're doing a good job as parents. We can admire our boy's smarts, his vocabulary, his confidence but we also fret about his mouth, his manners, and his humility. Today, I got to see that he is a good boy. He's thoughtful, polite, and friendly. I couldn't ask for a better kid.

He's also zonked out sound asleep after all today's excitement.... that makes the day about perfect.


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