flicking falafel
Had a great afternoon with my son yesterday, and we stopped on the way to Fun Time Park to get a falafel to eat while he played. As we get to the park, all the benches and picnic tables are filled with mom visiting while kids played. These are young, healthy-type moms, with carrot sticks and 100% organic juice boxes. I could hear them talking about homeschooling and the evils of red dye. So I took my older and less conscientious self and flopped on the grass with my falafel while Jed played. As I bit into the yummy, falafel-filled pita, a piece of it fell from the sandwich and plopped directly down into the neckline of my shirt. I had a dilemma, as I couldn't just reach into my bosom and start fishing for the piece, which had lodged itself in between skin, shirt and bra. I tried the discreet method, stood up, stretched and scratched, trying to shake the piece loose so it would fall out the bottom. No luck. I looked over at the good moms, I looked over at the kids obliviousl...