are you kidding?

A few weeks ago, I posted a status update on FB - "things I never expected to hear myself say. As I was interacting with my son/Han Solo/ Jed the Cowboy this morning it occurred to me that any sane person coming into my house would think I'm a crazy woman.

Here's a sample of things I've found myself saying the past day or two....

1) Don't shoot the cook. Especially when she's mama and she's in the kitchen making your dinner. Go shoot your father.

2) I don't care if ripped jeans make you look cool. You're 6, I'm tossing them.

3) Please stop calling your sister Stinky McStinker Pot. It's not very nice.

4) No, you may not pee in the potted plant.

5) I don't care if people in the Micheal Jackson "Beat It" video fight with knives, you may not. Even if the knife is plastic. They're trained professionals.

6) If I hear the word poop one more time, I'm running away from home.

Please don't call the authorities - we're actually a relatively educated, civilized family. We sit down for meals together, we read books, we watch public television. Really.

It's just that, despite the fact my husband has an advanced degree in behavior disorders, this boy in our home challenges everything we know about parenting. Luckily for us all, just when I'm about to sell him on eBay, he comes up to me and hugs me tight, saying in a sweet voice, "You're the best mom in the world." And then we all get through a few more days.....


Melanie said…
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Melanie said…
Add another one....
7) I said I was making soup for dinner. Why would anyone make a bowl of poop??
Sheila said…
Oh man, super funny! Stinky McStinker Pot? A bowl of poop? Love it! =)

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