home alone

I don't think I've spent a night alone in this house since before my son was born. It's different being home while they're all out of state than it is when they're just off around town or at work. It doesn't make sense why that is, but it's true.

I'm looking forward to some time at home alone. And I've got a long enough stretch that I can work through the strangeness into reveling in it. Don't get me wrong; it's not that I don't miss my family immensely - because I do. I just think feeling comfortable with alone time is really important. It's a sign of a healthy person, I believe, and healthy individuals make healthy relationships.

Last night I visited with a friend, who is also temporarily home alone while his partner is working in the field. It was nice to visit, to reconnect and to hang out a little. It reminded me that I can have adult conversation, that I have something to offer as a friend. One more step along my journey to reconnect with my self.

I think I'm making progress. Although the journey is still young, I'm enjoying it thus far.


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