Another Sunday; no dread.

This morning we took the eldest child up to UAF to get her into her dorm. It's an exciting time for her with so many adventures ahead of her, but it's been sort of a bittersweet day here. We'll all miss her, especially her brother who doesn't quite understand how this is all going to work and when he'll see her again.

Walking into the dorm was kinda funny. I lived in various UAF dorms during my span of years and I had lots of grand adventures. College life was fun, and learning that I alone was ultimately responsible for how my life went was an all-important lesson to learn. Hauling some of her stuff to her room, I felt like it wasn't that long ago I was living in the dorms. I hope that Hannah can have the fun times, the adventures and the life lessons she needs without too much unnecessary "bad stuff."

So the rest of us will go on - to work, high school, first grade, and towards sanity (hopefully). It's a new era for our household and lots of adjustments. My girls have always been close; I hope they can maintain that as they head in different directions.

I haven't known what to do with myself today. It's yucky & rainy outside, so chores in the yard were out. Bob, boy, and middle child have all been under the weather so they napped and read. The house was quiet. I like not feeling the stress of school, but today I've felt all day long like I need to find those papers that need grading and get started. For 15 years there have ALWAYS been papers to grade - sometimes even in the summer - and I haven't yet lost that feeling.

So we'll see how week 3 goes.


Sheila said…
I love the title of your post. I too seek an adrenaline-free lifestyle. I truly believe it is possible. I like not being stressed about Mondays or anything. "No Dread." I love it!

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