Funny what sets me off these days. I can be totally fine and then a random thought about school pops into my head and I feel my heart start racing. Certain names on Facebook start the same reaction, as do finding "to do" lists with things undone, or seeing dishes in the sink. Ultimately, I must learn to master this physical reaction. At the very least, I need to figure out how to acknowledge it when it happens, and then let it go. I'm not very good at letting things go lately. I used to be really good at it, or so I thought. I think that's one of the major indicators of how I've changed. Both in teaching at when I worked at State Parks, I saw my ability to not take things personally as one of my strengths. I could work my tail off and then, at the end of the day, go home and have a life. Somehow over time, my work took over more and more of my life. I'm lucky that my husband is as patient and supportive as he is, and I'm amazed that he didn'...