
I like to write. I used to know this, in fact I used to consider myself a "writer," but I haven't even thought about it for a long time. I didn't expect to enjoy this "blog" thing, largely because I didn't (and still don't) really understand the "why" of blogging. I get the blogs that keep friends and family informed, I get the blogs that comment on politics or baby-friendly restaurants, I even get the blogs that share all the secret codes in the lastest PS3 game. I don't really get my own blog though.... it's just a chance for me to write. A way to force myself to write.

So why do I want someone - anyone? - to "follow" my blog (and why am I using so damn many quotations marks???)? Am I just needing to feel validated? How can I have someone follow without stressing out over who may read? I guess I could just create my own alter egos so it looks like I have followers. I could sing "I'm my own foll-o-wer" (sung to the tune of "I'm My Own Grampa).

Maybe I'm having a mid-life crisis as I hit the big 4-0. I find myself thinking of all the things I wanted to do, and not so much wating to think of the things I need to do in the present. I don't regret my choices, I like where I am. Maybe it's just that writing, like reading, allows me to perform the "what if" experiment.

It goes like this....in science, one formulates a hyptothesis and puts it to the test. If I take chemical A and add chemical B and shake vigorously - what happens? In the world of humanity, we're not allowed to take human A and human B and shake. Reading and writing allows one to test the hypotheses of humanity.

At least that's my theory....

Luckily I have good friends and true family. They humor me and they nurture me.


I think we all need to be heard, to confirm our voice in the sea of existence. That's why blogs are more popular than diaries....we are " heard" rather than just writing on paper for no one to see....
BTW your friends and family are lucky to have you!

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