What a difference....
One thing I love about Facebook is "Facebook Memories." Today's memory showed Bob shoveling a crap ton (yes that's a technical measurement) of snow while the Water Wagon truck was stuck on our road. Caption mentioned 24" of fresh snow..... wow. Today I had the front door open all day. It was about 58 degrees, and sunny and not much wind and an absolutely beautiful day in NoGa. I've always lived in Alaska (brief stints someplace else don't really count) and I'm still adjusting to life down here. It's definitely different. When I went to Oregon in January, I just felt more free to be me. I can't really pin it down. Maybe that I didn't feel self-conscious going out as a scrub, in flannels and even pajama bottoms and 2 day old hair? Maybe that there were more dirty cars, Carhartts and cracked windshields? Maybe that there was a more laid back aura that didn't seem as dependent on material goods and appearances? I...